Our services
Because our support doesn’t stop after designing, installing and starting your lines, we have developed various post-project services in order to handle any needs in terms of maintenance, optimisation, change and servicing for your machines as well as reconditioning and re-starting some of them after an industrial cycle of 15 or 20 years and even longer.
Our customer service will ensure that spare parts are available for you with the highest level of reactivity, including for machines that were installed more than 30 years ago.
We offer visits for maintenance and preparing your lines before the season or support in starting up again.

We have been providing support for our customers for more than 50 years, with FEMIA you are building for the long term
Technical audit and solutions:
As we have designed and installed a great number of pieces of equipment and preparation lines for multiple products for more than 50 years, we have accumulated a wealth of experience and have indeed a certain degree of expertise. We can perform a technical inspection of your preparation lines in operation, for the purpose of:
-identifying potential points for improvement
-suggesting solutions for rehabilitating/modernising and the corresponding budgets

It is through the contact with and the listening to our customers that we constantly develop and improve our line designs for the benefit of everyone.
FEMIA is a member of ADEPTA (Association pour le Développement des Echangesinternationaux de Produits et Techniques Agroalimentaires or French association for the development of international exchange in agribusiness products and techniques) which federates more than 240 French companies that supply technical products and equipment for the agribusiness and food processing sectors.
ADEPTA has for mission to put these companies in contact with industries around the world and the international development of French companies.
The companies are grouped together by sector. Companies in the fruit & vegetable sector offer solutions from seeding to packaging for your products, with harvesting and processing in between.