With the production of deep-frozen products, calibration and even sorting can be required aiming for global optimisation of the process and of the storage of the products as well as of their quality.

At this step in your production, FEMIA offers various process functions that can be used after deep-freezing, such as cleaning, calibration and sorting. Our solutions allow you to effectively sort products according to their grade (peas, cauliflower, broccoli or cut vegetables in particular) in order to limit intermediate storage and the management thereof before deep-freezing.
Thanks to the sorting and calibration post-deep-freeze, you can store your deep-frozen products in bulk in large containers and pack them as your orders come in, in order to smooth out your production flows.
Femia's engineering office will provide you with support for customised processes
Examples of solutions dedicated to post-deep-freezing
Femia Industrie has several solutions for post-deep-freezing, together we will find the one that meets your needs:

-Sorts and calibrates products such as strawberries/lemon/cauliflower/broccoli up to 4 grades.
-The vibrating unit is designed to remove the particles and very small pieces of products and allows for an ideal spreading of the latter.
-A hopper under the vibrating part can be adjusted in order to adapt to 4 grades of your products.